Attendance Information



760-290-2555 x 4

(Note:  Please pause and count to ten before you press #4.)

If leaving a message please include the following information:

  • Student's name
  • Student's grade
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Contact number for person reporting absence

SMUSD Attendance Guidelines

State law requires pupils to attend their assigned classes every day school is in session.

Any student missing more than 30 days for any one class in a semester will not receive credit for that class. Passes for personal reasons will not be issued during lunch periods.  All absences not cleared by a note or phone call from the parent/guardian to the attendance office within 24 hours, will be considered truant.  The absence must be cleared for the truancy to be removed.

Late arrivals and single period absences cannot be excused by a parent or guardian once the student has arrived on campus.  Exception: Parent/Guardian requests for early release or late arrival due to medical appointments and family emergencies will be permitted.  The student must obtain parental permission to leave campus during the school day and must sign out with attendance prior to leaving campus.

Excused Absence/Tardiness:
(Make up work allowed)
1. Personal Illness or Quarantine
2. Illness or death in the immediate family
3. Medical and dental appointments
4. Funerals (for immediate family)
5. Call to court/detained by law enforcement
6. Religion
7. Employment interview

We encourage parents/guardians to schedule all student medical, dental, court, social worker and employment appointments after 12:55 p.m.

Students with unexcused absences will be referred to an administrator for interventions.  Excessive unexcused absences and/or truancies will result in referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

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